House Calls will provide your pet with the same medical care as you would expect from a veterinary hospital.

Things to Expect from a Wellness Visit:

* A portable scale so we can accurately determine your pets weight

* Detailed history of previous vaccines or medical and surgical conditions

* Review of current medications 

* Detailed and comprehensive physical exam

* Discussion of current diet and body condition score - Is your pet's weight on target?

* Vaccinations determined by your pet's lifestyle and vaccine history

* Heartworm and fecal tests recommended annually

* Strategic deworming to protect family members from zoonotic diseases

* Wellness blood work based on your pet's age and history

* Refill of your monthly heartworm and flea/tick control products

Things to Expect from a Sick Patient Visit:

* Review of all items listed above for a wellness visit


* Recommendations for lab testing may include blood work and urinalysis

* Diagnosis of medical condition 

* Development of treatment plan 

* Prescriptions and supportive care as needed to treat condition

* Establish follow up plan to reevaluate how your pet is doing


  Tides Mobile Vet

House Calls 

We are excited to provide your pet with medical veterinary services in the comfort of your own home.  Our furry friends are important to us and we want them to feel safe.  Dr. Mitchell is equipped to provide all non emergency veterinary care.  If you feel your pet is having an emergency, you should proceed to your closest veterinary hospital or emergency hospital right away.

Dr. Mitchell will be happy to contact you within 24 hours. Please call her at: 678-761-4760

  The best care for your best friend!